In Laudato Sí, Pope Francis has underlined the fundamental connection that exists between the environmental crisis and the social crisis that we are currently experiencing and asks us for a personal and community ecological conversion. He often reminds us “everything is interconnected.” “Sowing Hope for the Planet” is a project in which every Sister whose congregation is a member of UISG, and their connections are provided with an opportunity to make a difference in our care of the planet. This project is a collaborative effort of the JPIC Commission in the name of UISG and the Laudato Si Movement.
The Sowing Hope for the Planet initiative from UISG, in collaboration with the German Embassy to the Holy See and Caritas Internationalis, organized an event (in-person and online) titled "Access to Water for Sustainable Agriculture: Empowering Communities in Response to Extractivism and Climate Change." The event focused on sustainable agriculture, emphasizing water scarcity challenges, and explored the impacts of extractivism and climate change on farmers' access to water. Key Highlights: Prof. Evers, a researcher from the University of Bonn and UNESCO Chair in Human-Water Systems, delivered a keynote presentation titled "Challenges Posed by Climate Change: A Water Perspective on Sustainable Agriculture." Following the keynote, four speakers shared their work and experiences:
The event concluded with an engaging Q&A session, where participants posed specific questions to Prof. Evers and the panelists, fostering a dynamic dialogue. Impact: The event was highly appreciated by both participants and speakers, who valued the diverse perspectives and the exploration of alternative approaches to managing water and promoting sustainable agriculture. Link to the introduction and concept note of the event October 2 - Caravan for Integral Ecology from Latin America 2024, Mining and Energy Transition: Solution or Sacrifice of the Poor and the Earth? Caravan for Integral Ecology The Churches and Mining Network, together with the JPIC Commission USG-UISG, hosted a webinar about the experiences of people impacted by the mining industry in Latin America. The discussion included the push for energy transition and how the burden of this is often most acutely felt by the poor. The Earth and its resources are also damaged by this exploitation. The participants engaged in a dialogue about the creation of an agenda for just and sustainable solutions inspired by Pope Francis’s encyclicals Laudato Si’ and Laudate Deum. The video is available on the SHFP YouTube channel and website. Season of Creation webinar September 2024 The Interconnection Between Integral Ecology, Spirituality, Charism, Social and Environmental Justice: A call to Hope and Act with Creation. The webinar organized by the Religious Sector of the Laudato Si Action Platform organized a webinar for Superiors General, Major Superiors and JPIC Promoters. The aim was first, initiate reflection, discussion and sharing to motivate one another, to journey towards integral ecology within oneself, with one another and with creation. Second to animate communities to recognize the importance of charism and spirituality as motivators for social and environmental justice in the pursuit of integral ecology. Links to videos French , Italian , Portuguese , Spanish Laudato Si Week Webinar, May 2024 Webinar: Voices of Hope and Faith: Global Catholic Religious in the Heart of Climate Action. Men and women religious around the world are often in locations and in contact with communities affected by the environmental and social challenges of today’s ecological crises. Inspired by their faith and their charisms, they are discovering integral ecology as an essential part of mission and are taking actions to respond to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor. On May 22 the webinar, “Voices of Faith and Hope: Global Catholic Religious in the Heart of Climate Action”, hosted by the Laudato Si’ Action Platform’s religious sector and the Justice, Peace and Integrity Commission Union of Superiors General (men) and the International Union of Superiors General (women). Attendees learned how they are bridging faith and daily action and gained inspiring insights for the journey toward integral ecology. Links: Español, Français, Italiano April 24 – Climate Change: A Push Factor for Human Trafficking This webinar was organized by the Anti-trafficking working group of the JPIC Commission USG-UISG. The event explored the deep connections and correlations between climate change, consumerism, and human trafficking. The video is available on the Sowing Hope for the Planet YouTube channel, Planet Hope. Links: Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese |
LAUDATO SI’ Sowing Hope for the Planet The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development’s Laudato Si’ Action Platform is a space for institutions, communities, and families to learn and grow together. You are warmly invited to join this community. Your unique “culture, experience, involvements, and talents” are needed on our journey towards greater love for our Creator, each other, and the home we share." (LS 14). For more information, go to the LSAP website at: https://laudatosiactionplatform.org/ Laudato Si' Action Platform Website, Link to enroll in the Laudato Si' Action Platform... Sowing Hope for the Planet, Pax Christi and Listen Webinar celebrating Do Something
We Are Sorry Mother Earth, composed by Sr. Nivis Tatah Essentially Beautiful, words and music by Sr. Alphonsa Kiven, Tssf |